Thursday, January 1, 2009

First Run of the Year

Happy New Year!
I met up with Melissa and Shay this morning at Bluff Creek. My back still feels OK, but I don't want to overdo it. We did a very easy 90 minutes run, staying in the trees as it was so windy. It was nice just going slow and talking. We talked about our running goals for the year. Melissa has a few races picked out, leading to a 100 miler next year. Shay doesn't have a plan yet, but is doing DanMan and a relay for the OKCMM Me? I have some things in mind, but will wait to formalize a plan until I meet with Dr. Odor. Until then, just keep running.

May you surpass all your 2009 running goals! And, let me know if there is any way I can help you reach them!


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