Thursday, February 26, 2009

More CrossFit.

I wasn't as sore this morning as I thought I would be after yesterday's workout.

This is today's set:
Walking lunge 100 ft. (50ft)
21 Pull-ups 21 Sit-ups (5 neg pull-ups, 25 crunches)
Walking lunge 100 ft. (50ft)
18 Pull-ups 18 Sit-ups (5 neg pull-ups, 25 crunches)
Walking lunge 100 ft. (50ft)
15 Pull-ups15 Sit-ups (5 neg. pull-ups, 25 crunches)
Walking lunge 100 ft.
12 Pull-ups12 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
9 Pull-ups9 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge 100 ft
6 Pull-ups6 Sit-ups

Total Time: 9.35

I got a really bad headache during the 3rd set, so I stopped after that. This workout called for a heck of a lot of pull-ups. I can't even do one. This will definitely help with upper body strength. Still working on handstands. Did 1 for 10 secs, and 1 for 5 secs. Getting better on the kick up.

Rock on!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My running isn't going well at all. After a few miles, my back hurts and I just don't want that any more. So, I've committed to trying some Crossfit for the next 40 days - to go along with the Lenten Season. This is what I did today:

50 push-ups ( I did them all on my knees, with plenty of rest breaks)
400m run (that's 0.25 miles)
50 sit up (I did crunches, again with a couple breaks)
400m run
50 kettle bell swing ( my gym doesn't have kettle bells, so I used 8 lb dumbbells. It freakin' hurt!)
400m run
50 squats ( I held a pole across the back of my shoulders to help with form, squatted only as far as sitting in a chair.
Run 400 m

Total Time: 21:44. I hurt already!

Later in the day, about 1 hour on the bike.