Saturday, October 11, 2008

I Don't Compete, I Complete

Sometime I love running with my friends. Sometimes it is frustrating. I met up with Lisa, Laura and Melissa this morning at Bluff Creek. Shay called right when we were suppose to start to say that she had the times wrong and would try to find us on the trails. I never happened, but oh well.

The first lap was nice, just chit-chatting with the gals and making plans for Palo Duro. We were going at a slower pace than I would have liked, but I loved the conversation. Really, that's what the Saturday runs are for. I run enough by myself during the week.

Lisa and Laura pulled out about a mile into the second loop due to time conflicts with a previous committment. So it was just Melissa and I. We're both running the 50K at Palo Duro next weekend. Right now she is stronger than me as I've been strugging with my back and the sciatica with my left leg. I am well aware that she will go at faster pace than I at PD. I joked that I'll wave when I pass her. She said that she's running PD purely as a training run for her 50M at Sunmart. She doesn't want there to be any competetion between us. I confirmed that there won't be any competetion coming from me as I'm looking at a run of longer than 7 hours. We talked about who might still be there at the Finish Line to cheer us on as the rest of the gang is doing the 20K. I said that we know at least Scott will be there when she finishes as he will be there waiting for me to come in. Then she said that she really hopes that I'm ahead of her because that would take the pressure off her... That sounds pretty competitive to me...

I really don't know how well my back is going to stand that distance of running, but I'll give it my best. I hope Melissa does as well as she wants. I'm just looking for the Finish Line.


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