Monday, September 29, 2008

What The Heck Happened?

Surely I couldn't have become obese overnight, but why doesn't my wedding ring fit anymore. My fingers are so swollen that I had to struggle to take my ring off. I had planned to never take this ring off, or to make sure it was touching my hand at all time, but I had to pull so hard that if flew out of my hand and onto the table! Right now I'm wearing it on a chain around my neck.

So I took my car in for an oil change this morning. Took Scott's in for him on Friday, and the place he recommends it right next to Dolese Park. While they were changing the oil, I got in 2 loops around the park, for 4 miles. My leg hurt, but nothing to make me stop. Got the crazy idea over the weekend to try running to Podcast. I've already descovered that I don't like running to music, but I thought listening to a Podcast while running might be educational. I log on to NPR and found, "Wait, wait... DOn't Tell me" It's a satire of the most recent news stories. I laughed out loud at least 10 times. Gonna have to share that with the gan!

May peace and join surround you always!

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