Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pavement Run and My Secret

With the inches of ran over the last 6 hours, I knew there was no way I could run the trails this morning. I ran for an hour in the neighborhood. First to 7-11 to use the ATM machine. Then I ran to Holly's to deliver a necklace and to pick up some $$. The run TO Holly's is a heck of a lot easier than the run back. You don't really notice the hills by car.

I'm 95% in for doing The Dirty Double Dozen, a 24 hour trail run at Bluff Creek. I had been training for 50 miles at Palo Duro, but why not do 50 miles here and not have to worry about the cut-off time? I haven't signed up yet, nor have I mentioned it to Scott. Scott thinks I'm crazy for volunteer for 24 hours... I've only told my thoughts to Shay and Joel so far, and now it's a secret for my thousands to blog readers - OK, I think there are 3 of you!

See ya on the trails!

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