Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Mental Game

The plan was for Lisa, Laura, Shay and I to meet up at Draper for a run. We hadn't all run together since the morning of my wedding, and none of us had run at Draper in months. apparently Lisa and Laura weren't paying attention when reading the email and called from Bluff Creek wondering where I was. Too funny.

Shay and I started off, both sore and tired, complaining that we would have to run slow. That changed after we started talking about work. The frustration tends to make you go faster. We ran the green loop in an hour. Ater re-fueling, we headed out again. We decided to give the Red Loop a shot. That one tends to get confusing because it has so much off-branches. I guess we were in there for about 20 minutes because after tacking on the Green, we were finished in 2:20.

We allowed our brains to convince us we were too tired to do another, and called it a day. I'm a bit frustrated that I didn't go longer and even considered driving to Bluff Creek on my way home to do a loop there. But, the driveway and couch was calling.

I wish I hadn't allowed my brain to talk me into quitting early. Right now I feel great and know my body could have done it. Oh well, there's always next time.

1 comment:

Reese said...

Sounds like you two had a great run, wish I could have joined you. I probably run out there more than any other trail, and I still don't know how to run the red trail.