Monday, June 15, 2009

Training Starts Today

Today was my first official training day for the Palo Duro 50 miler. The training scheduled has me doing just 2 miles, and I did it on the treadmill at the gym. It had rained this morning so I figured the trails would be muddy. Then, it was supposed to get up to 93 this afternoon, so I figured it would be too humid. So, 2 miles at the gym, DONE.

My running has really slipped over these past 2 years with all the problems I've had with my back. I know that I will never be fast like I once was, but I really want to get back my consistency. Lisa and Laura used to call me the Energizer Bunny because I could hold the same pace for 4 hours. Maybe now it's just mental. Do I really want to do the long runs? Last year at Palo Duro, I had my first DNF. Yes, my back really hurt, but I also wanted to be exploring the trails with my husband Scott. It was his first time at the canyon and we were newlyweds. I wonder what it will be like this year. The Palo Duro event just happens to fall on OU / Texas weekend, which is a biggie for Scott. Will he come camping or stay for the game and festivities? We'll see.

Until then, I'll just keep running.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!